Tuesday, 6 January 2009


Oh, man! I've got this entire, huge pool all to myself! Oh, and the sun is shining and the water's great! This is absolutely fantastic, I was planning to go shopping but I might spend all day here. In fact, I might go and order a drink from the ... oh ... oh, hell! Is ... is that bird shit I see floating at the far end of this thing? Jesus, it is! This is so fucking typical, I might as well be having a hobo piss all over me right now. *gag* Oh Jesus, I remember I must've swallowed a fucking gallon of this shitty water when I botched my cannonball entrance.

1 comment:

Kerja_Relon said...

I went to the Algave when I was a child. We had a private swimming pool at the place we stayed. And it was great. Last day we were there, I was planning to have a last swim before we left and a Goddamn bird was floating in it dead. Good times.