Saturday 17 April 2010

Mr. Fix-It

Mmm... Lovely plump buttocks.


I said, are you sure I can't get you a cup of coffee?

Look, I done told ya, I don't want none of your gay coffee.

It's Nescafe actually.

I still don't want none.

Ooooo, you are so forceful and manly aren't you?

Can you hand me that wrench?

Oh, are you saying I can handle your tool?

What are you on about? Just go away and let me work these pipes.

Ooo, I'd love you to work my pipe.

Yep, just as I thought, there's the blockage.

Where? Your asshole looks clear from this angle. In fact, I could fit my whole tongue right up that ass.

I'd like my payment in cheque. I don't want any of your faggy cash thank you very much.

1 comment:

John said...

His home has no ceiling.