Sunday 28 October 2018

Dirty Stacker

Darling, we've been married for what now? 27 years?

28 years this February.

Yes, yes and we've been happy haven't we?

Of course.

Yes and I don't know about you but I've had the most pleasant time tonight at this dinner and dance.

It's been a lovely evening.

Yes, well, you know I always like to be truthful with you and the such and well, we've been happy for so long but I'd, well I'd...

Spit it out dear.

Well I'd like to start dating other women. You know, just to see...

See what?

Well if I like another woman better than you.

But why would you do that?

Oh it's nothing against you my darling but you see I want to be riding dirty as the hip young kids say these days. I'd like a little slap and tickle if you get my meaning and well, I'm sorry to say but you're not the kind of woman I can just drop trou and piss on. It's not like I can wrap you in leather and chain you to the wall and give you a right rogering, then smear my semen all over your breasts, I couldn't very well pop a set of anal beads up your jacksie and rub your clitorus vigorously until you cum now could I? It just wouldn't be decent now would it? It  wouldn't be good sport so you see my predicament...

Gerald, I think we need to up your meds again.

Or we could do that. Yes, yes we could I suppose. Yes, jolly good show.

Saturday 20 October 2018

(1000th Post)

Ow do! Name's Michael Owens and I lived all m'life 'ere in Yorkshire. I always bin jus' a regular bloke I tell thee, nothing fancy about me until I won big money with the National Lotto. Well, could I believe it? By 'eck I couldn't. Don't know what I'm gon' do with this big money I've won. The wife wants a 'oliday to Majorca. I told the lass your not be spending it all at once, no she won't. I mean, look at the size o' it. It's as big as me 'ead. I could do a lot with this 50p. I could brutally beat an infant child t'death with it, sail across the River Thames on it, I'll need m'first mates license for that so I will, or I could even invade a neighbouring EU country with it, say Belgium or Luxembourg, one o' them shite countries. The possibilities are endless, dare I say... But for now, I think I'll jus' put it in m'pocket. 

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Staind 3

Wai, wai, wai, wait a second. What did you just say?

I said, the skin grafts to repopulate your head with hair failed miserably.

It's called a hair transplant Ben and I didn't even have one anyway. 

What then?

I'm talking about what you just said.

That I wish you were dead?

Nope, after that.

Oh, you mean what I said about your daughter. She's hot is what I said.

Ben, I know she's nineteen but if you even think of touching her... 

Too late.

You better be kidding around!

You remember at the Christmas party last year?


Well I stuck my finger up your daughter's ass.

You did what? 

And when I took it out you know what I saw?

I don't wanna know.

A shit stain.

Oh God, not this again.

I guess being a shit stain runs in the family eh?

Ben stop!

Daddy shit stain and daughter shit stain. But Mommy shit stain didn't hang around did she Tony? Why's that I wonder...?

Because you had illicit affair with her and she left me for you.

And you know why that happened? 

I don't wanna talk about this...

Because you're a bald shit stain Tony. In fact, you're a doggy poo-poo shit stain. You stink like a child's diaper. You look worse than a sea gull's wet shit splattered across a hot sidewalk in July. 

Why are you saying these things to me? I thought you were my friend.

I am. I guess I just enjoy verbally abusing you. Shit stain.

Thursday 11 October 2018

Billie Piper

Look dear! Up there in that building over there. My word, it looks like my Dad's old pipe he used to smoke. He also used to do an obscene amount of cocaine, but that's another story.

But darling, you're Father is dead. He's been dead for years. Decades in fact.

But the pipe didn't die....... Did it?

Wednesday 10 October 2018


Hola, mi amigo! I am Savio Duranté, gardener to the Hollywood stars. They call me The Latin Lawnmower Of Love. I like American Gigolo. That is to say, I am like American Gigolo and I like American Gigolo. You understand no? I like the Richard Geres but with a Hispanic flavour. Hot and spicy in and out of the bedroom. You understand no? I like the older lady myself. The old washed up Hollywood starlet who is starved of affection and attention. They are the ripest fruit no? A little loving with Savio and they are ready and willing to empty their bank accounts to spoil me. Savio likes the finer things in life likes the gold Rolex and diamond ring and the big yacht, mansions in the Hollywood Hills and Miami. And in return, I will give them the time of their lives. Possibly they will pass out and die, leave everything to Savio in the will no? Maybe no, maybe yes sometimes, but no matter, I am never short of lonely old hags, as I am never short of lawns to mow. And believe me, I will tend their old lady gardens. Of that you can be sure...

Sunday 7 October 2018

Wedding Jitters

And now please raise a glass for Mr and Mrs Peter Wallis.

I'm so happy to be your wife. It's been a wonderful day. More than I could ever have dreamt of. I am such a lucky girl marrying you Peter.

If you think today was a dream love, you wait until tonight. I hope you like saveloy darling because I'm gonna be putting my big sausage right in your grub hole so don't eat too much cuz you've got 7 inches of meat to devour you little blighter.