Monday 19 April 2010

Prime Mark

Ah cripes! I knew I shouldn't have bought this suck-fucking t-shirt from Primark. Only fucking shirt I decide to own and I buy it from Primark in a fit of stupidity. Wash the fucker once and bam! It's shrink city, population... Me. Great, I knew this piece of clothing would attact the wrong sort. Shit, like being followed down the high street by a queer and an old man. Those suck-fuckers are just jealous of my black bag of cocaine. Hoops, best keep that intel on the down low or the filth will be slamming my ass in jail. Least I'll get a fucking shirt that'll fit though. Stripes are slimming too.

1 comment:

John said...

You'll go to jail, and be raped in the belly button.