Thursday 30 October 2008


Here, I've brought you some tea. You've been sat there for hours, won't you come inside?

I'm sorry, but I'm carrying out some important research. I might be here for days at the rate it's going. I'm going to have to ask you to poodle off, as you're distracting my attentions away from the study. Which reminds me, it's time for the latest progress log. Let's see ... it's 12:31pm, and still none of the children have been crushed by any of the rampaging horses in my yard.


Kerja_Relon said...

I love that guy. The Watchman isn't it. He's part of a group of elderly people known as "The Watchmen". But let me ask you this; Who watches the Watchmen?

Only the Aga Khan can answer that and he's not here right now. I think nipped to the bathroom for a number 2 so he may be some time.

Kerja_Relon said...

I hate horses. Always crippling people.

2 words; Christopher Reeve.

John said...

Who watches the Watchmen?

Vin Diesel.