Friday 3 October 2008

William 'Fats Blackhand' Mercer Plays Pool.

I've got a hunch this'll be another perfectly executed drop, Pete.

I tell ya, you get older but you never lose your edge. I'm still the lightning-fast pool player I was in my teenage years.

Of course, we didn't used to play for fun as we're doing right now. We used to play for a prize. The prize would be people's thumbs. You'd bet your own thumb, or both thumbs if you felt you had a good chance of winning. At the end of a good night, you could come away from the tables with a bag of eight or nine thumbs. You'd then run over to the glue factory and trade the thumbs you'd won for cash, or a gram of delicious opium. The glue factory always had a supply of nice, freshly-severed thumbs come Sunday morning.

1 comment:

Kerja_Relon said...

Yeah, that reminds me of the time I used to play poker. If I was lucky enough to win a horse or a woman for that matter, I'd take them down to the glue factory and trade 'em for Two ounces of human beard. I didn't care whether it was from a man's face or a lady's downstairs. It's all beard to me. Good times them was. Good times.