Tuesday 22 April 2008

Fernando Lugo: Man Of The Peoples

My peoples, I am most thrilled and sexually excited to be elected as your President of the great and terrible country of Paraguay. We are not to be confused with that bastard whore of a country Uruguay. Yes my friends, you are gay. I have seen your streets and they are littered with the filth of humanity such as men that would dress like a lady should. Boys that will allow a penis to enter their rectal canal and shop keeps selling the lastest fashions from Paris and Roma. We are Paraguay are a peoples of peace, justice and the cold, hard iron fist of authority. I would now be liking to tell you, my peoples of a story...

There was a giant that walked the lands of Paraguay. These were the years from long times ago in the past when there were wolf kings and witches of the barrenlands. There were also ghosts but I do not wish to frighten you. In these days of corruption and disharmony there stood a giant who ate great trees and the heads of our children. But one day a strong a just knight from the north came to battle and defeat the evil and wicked giant to save the peoples of Paraguay just to fall by the wayside in a heap of bones and blood. For you see, the giant's name was "The United States Of America". THIS VAGINA MUST BE STOPPED!!! I thank you and wish for you to have safe automobile journey home.

1 comment:

John said...

El Presidenté has my vote ... not that he needs it, for he has rigged quite an election for himself.