Saturday 26 April 2008

Iron Man Premiere : Leicester Square.

Something a bit special.

Having been a reader of the Marvel Comics character since the age of seven (that's twenty years of reading!) I've been somewhat anticipating the first movie feature of 'old shellhead'. I travelled to London's Leicester Square to celebrate the greatest comic book character ever created (no, really he is) and worship all which sail in him.

Enjoy my piccies...

Looming over the cinema, a giant poster shows Iron Man blasting repulsor rays across London town. I wanted to scale the cinema walls to make this poster my own.

Dig that hot poster action! Yowzer!

This is the stage where Edith Bowman ... BowOman(?) would give interviews. I was hoping the statue would handle the interviewing duties.

A bloody great big Iron Man flight simulator. It were free to ride and you'd get a cool free poster after. Again, I wanted to make it my own.

Celebrities. Celebrities love Iron Man. I particularly love Iron Man and Celebrities.

Al Murray loves red carpet blockbuster premieres as he believes it is curing his AIDS.

Darth Maul fucking loves Iron Man, and loves seeing Al Murray slowly curing his AIDS problem.

Jon Faverau is lovely and quite the accomplished sex criminal.

Terrence Howard is smooth. Many ladies were impregnated by him during the premiere.

Gwinniff Paltrow is proper beautiful. Her husband is a vagina.

Tony Stark in the fleshes. Look at him, isn't he beautiful? Wearing his dad's suit and everything. Proper nice fellow and, frankly, amazing.

What they signed.

Signatures. Jon Faverau, Gwinniff, War Machine and ... erm. Simon Pegg.

Downey Jnr/Tony Stark gets his own page. Because he's fucking awesome.

I plan to actually view the film on Thursday. I've been talked out of taking a day off work to watch repeated screenings of it.


Kerja_Relon said...

Oh God Bless you! That is magic! It must have been well exciting to see all them starlets. I must come over and see your copy of Demon In A Bottle... SOONLY!!!

Kerja_Relon said...

Oh and everyone knows that the bestest best ever comic character is Daredevil. That just common knowledge. Good try though. :-)

John said...

It were a reet good day. Saw Tony Stark in the fleshes - fucking awesome.

Failed to note that we saw 'The Blessed' (himself!) wandering around Leicester Square - like he were merely a man going about his business! Utter legend, he is.

Daredevil, my arse.