Sunday 30 November 2008

I Like My Porridge With SALT!!!

This is some funny shit.
It's some idiot's views on the LHC machine.
Un-Christian Magic indeed.

1 comment:

John said...

The cursed Jews are behind this 'un-Christian magic' you know.

It's those rat-bastard Jews who are messing around with God's Earth - fucking around with black holes and exploring shit we don't understand for the 'greater good' of science ... black holes which don't exist anyways, because God created everything! And like, the fact the LHC is offline is because God sent his faithful servant Johnny Cash to Earth to destroy the machine with his flaming sword of justice. That bearded gentleman/prophet sure is a handsome bastard. Making me do a dirty great big old chubber in my loin cloth. phwoooar.

...ugh. Fucking Christians and their fairies.