Tuesday 11 November 2008

William James Mercer's Neighbour Has A Barbeque.

It was pretty decent of my neighbour to let me join his barbeq... Oh no! Oh God! No. This isn't right. Hey Joe, how about turning my burger? You know I want my meat medium rare. Matter of fact, lift that shit up so I can see it better... Oh, Jesus Christ! Joe, how long did you leave that barbeque burning before you started cooking on it, because if you'd have done it right I'd be seeing some sweet grill lines on my burger. Oh, and that better not be my bun that's cut up all crooked and oozing those greasy fucking onions, man.


Kerja_Relon said...

I'm not allowed to talk about meat. A cow told me it's not right AND not okay talking about it. But what do cows know right? They fly rocketships and murder foundlings for profit. It's amazing what the stock market can do these days. That's one step in the right direction anyhoo.

John said...

Who the hell has been putting such rubbish into your mind? Meat is murder ... murderously tasty!