Wednesday 19 November 2008

Jew Heaven.

By sacrificing me, my Father made it clear he was willing to destroy the one thing he loved most. With that I was killed, and because of a ridiculous clause, I subsequently ended up in 'Jew Heaven' for 700 years. Let me tell you something, you don't want to end up in Jew Heaven. I'd be like, "Josep, what's for dinner tonight?", and he'd be like, "Sardines and flat bread, brother Christ. Same as every day". Then I'd be all like, "But we have that shit every day, can't we rustle up some fuckin' pizzas or something?", and he'd be all like, "No, this is what we eat in Jew Heaven". Jew Heaven sucks, kids. Well, it does unless you remember to pack a lunch or something.

1 comment:

Kerja_Relon said...

Jew Heaven has always sucked my friend.