Friday 18 July 2008

The Blessed Interviews - Part Two.

"I wound up frequenting this wretched little Chinese massage parlour during the filming of Kenny Branagh's Henry V. After the massage, a young lady would escort you into this attic where they had these enormous vases. There were at least five of these vases crammed into this tiny attic space. Must've been seven feet tall by five feet wide. Anyway, you'd pick a vase, climb up and there'd be a woman waiting inside. It would be dark, hot and smelly in the vase, but them gals were absolute professionals. Of course, you'd need another massage as soon as you'd finished your business."


Kerja_Relon said...

These vases could be used to jump from one position to another in time and space I suppose. That is what happens most of the time these portals are used, but you know what the brotherhood of Blessed are like. They felt it was only appropriate to add a few surprises as well. :-)

John said...

The Brotherhood Of Blessed's rare inductions involve the inductee to be lowered into a nine-foot tall vase filled with homemade Stout and are forced to drink their way out.

There is often a drowned whore at the bottom of the vase, of course.

Kerja_Relon said...

Of course. :-)