Friday 4 July 2008

The Blessed Often Interviews Himself.

I've just recently finished filming in Pakistan. Got to say, the brothels are pretty rough over there. At one point I ended up in a particularly awful brothel, and wound up with this local heffer named 'Gerti'. She had one arm, one eye and, frankly, it was like trying to shove cooked spaghetti into a keyhole...


Kerja_Relon said...

Oh Bri, you tell the funnest tales from beyond time. I liked you in that quiz show you did where you did a lot of acting and used the phase "But I digress." Can't remember the name of said show but it was magic. Rather like your magnificent penis.

John said...

That gameshow was immense. They'd always show the out-takes from that gameshow on the 'it shouldn't happen to a...' tv blooper shows. It would always be the same thing, too - Blessed screws up his lines and goes into a swearing frenzy, or Blessed will make a filthy comment to one of the contestants making everybody giggle.

Blessed is a weapon, man.