Tuesday 22 July 2008

Dr. Smith Hasn't The Stomach For These Things.

Dude, you've an eye growing on your liver! That's amazing, can you see anything out of it? It's pretty fucked up, it's also probably the reason why you have nightmares - having to see that shit going on inside of you and whatnot. urgh. It's pretty gross though. I mean, it's just there, staring back at me. Occasionally blinking. I can't be looking at that thing for too long, y'know? It's just all kinds of wrong, like an old woman's armpit or something.


Kerja_Relon said...

I enjoyed Journey To The Center Of The Earth... In 3D. If it hadn't been in 3D it would have been a bit shit. But it did have a guy in it that looked like Dr. Smith.

John said...

I purchased 'Trauma Center' for the Wii yesterday and was playing it very late last night. You get to perform surgeries on people, and have personal conflicts with nurses. Its quite good fun. Its about as close to operating a medical laser, defibrulator and picking out chunks of glass from a pancreas as I'm ever likely to get ... for now.

I've heard good things about Journey To The Centre. Of The Earth. They should've tied The Mummy 3 to it, somehow. It'll be all your Brendan Fraser goodness wrapped up in one long movie.