Sunday 24 January 2010


Sweetheart, the cake is ready. It's all ready in the oven nice and hot, oh damn! Guess what I forgot?

Seann William Scott!!! I don't have to guess. I can see! What the fuck is wrong with your FACE???

I'm sorry Sweet'ums, darling... I- I- forgot to put any make-up on.

You can fucking say that again!

I'll just go put some on...

Don't bother. I had no idea when I married you that you were so...... Hideous. You are a deceiver! You put all that slap on your ulgy mug and make pretend that you are beautiful and really you're no better looking than a swamp hag.

Darling, please...

Darling please nothing! I want you out! OUT!

What about the cake?

The cake stays here.


John said...

Wow? That's what Seann William Scott looks like without make-up?

Well that certainly shatters my universe.

I'd probably still bang him, though.

Kerja_Relon said...
