Wednesday 20 January 2010

Mystery Sandwich

Yo Jimmy, this is great, inviting me round here to play some video games and have a sandwich with ya.

No probs Rich.

I mean, ya know, after all that business with me and yo sister.

Hey forget about it man. We're friends.

Yeah. Sorry about, ya know, getting her pregnant and shit.

Yeah, especially since you're married and have Two kids already... And had no intentions of ever leaving your wife for my Sis.

Yeah. But we cool now yeah?

You eaten your sandwich?


Now we cool.

Aren't you gonna have a sandwich? They taste awesome!

Of course they do. I made them... With my CUM!


You heard me fucker. You just ate my cum and you loved it.

But... I thought we were friends.

Friends? None of my friends eat cum sandwiches. Oh and another thing, if you ever come near me or my family again, I'm gonna rip out your lungs out and shit in your chest. Now fuck off.


John said...

Cum is full of protein. It's also why porn stars always have nice skin and strong bones.

Kerja_Relon said...

If you say so. lol