Friday 5 September 2008

Dr. Smith Is A Working Man Like Anybody Else.

I must insist that you pull all of the little hairs out from between your teeth before you next visit me. It's like I'm giving Mrs. Reynolds her annual smear test every time you open your mouth...


Kerja_Relon said...

I hope that Mrs. Reynolds wasn't former wife of Burt Reynolds; Lonnie Anderson. You know when Burt Reynolds wrote his autobiography the chapter when he was married to her is blank. Isn't that just fabulous?

John said...

Burt Reynolds Autobiography;

Monday; Woke up in a bed full of hookers. I discover the only way out of the bed is to punch each of the hookers in the throat.

Tuesday; Shot an action scene where I'm being shot at by a group of cannibal savages with burning arrows ... while receiving a 'blowie' off camera.

Wednesday; Torched my hotel room because a maid changed my sheets.

Thursday; Jumped through a brick wall to stop a Chinese nuclear missle from destroying New York. No, not for a movie.

Friday; Kicked a baby in the face.