Monday 9 November 2009

Lavender McDave

Who is that down there? Oh Lavender my boy. What are you doing here at this time of night?

Old Grey Beard, I just can't stop thinking about that story you told me.

Which one pray tell?

The one which had a mountain and a wolf in it.

They all had mountains and wolves in them.

The one with the beautiful girl in the red hood.

Oh, you mean the one where the wolf eats her Grandma?

YES! That's the one.

I told you that story when you were five.

I know. I want you to tell it to me again.

That was Twenty some years ago my boy. I've done a lot of unchristian magic since then. My memory isn't what it used to be you know.

But Grey Beard, pleeeeease. The story touched my heart so.

Oh, alright... But first touch my hair.


John said...

Touch which hair - Head, beard or pubis?

Kerja_Relon said...

You know which hair don't you?