Tuesday 2 March 2010

Staind 2

Wai, wai, wai, wait a second. What did you just say?

Your name is Tony Balding.

Yes, I know that's my name. Not that bit, I'm talking about the other bit.

You're bald?

No, the other, other bit.

You're a bald motherfucker.

Yeah, that's the bit.

You are though. You are bald. I can see the skin on your head. It offends me.

But Ben, I'm your best friend. I have been for Twelve years. Why would you be so unkind and a total jerk like this?

Because I don't like you anymore. You are a balding twat and I want some friends with hair.

But what has my hair got to do with anything?

It has EVERYTHING to do with it. You aren't just a bald motherfucker... You're a shit stain.

Oh Christ, not this fucking shit again. You know something Benny. You are one twisted bitch.

I know. Now get me a beer you bald shit stain. And while you're at it, fuck my mother for me will ya.

1 comment:

John said...

He's an Adam Sandler-looking motherfucker.