Friday 17 April 2009

A Mother's Love

Oh my wonderful child, you truly are a gift from Heaven and a blessing to my life. I must call you something that befits a gorgeous child like yourself. My dear Starlight Crystal Gale. No, no, that doesn't really do it for me, it's too hippy-ish. How about... Max. No, it's far too short and frankly boring for my taste. Hmm... How's about William? No, no your father would never allow me to name you after my Dad. He hates your Granddad, yes he does. He's a big mean old daddy. Let's see... Oh hell, I know. I don't know why I didn't think of it before. We'll call you after my favourite handbag; Prada. It's either that or we're calling you Obama. Your choice.

1 comment:

John said...

Primark is a lovely name for a child.