Tuesday 21 April 2009

Swine On The Seats. 24's On The Feets.


Kerja_Relon said...

I just do not understand people's obsession with rims. And when I say people I mean them rappers on MTV Cribs. "Look how shiny my rims be nigga". Yeah, yeah, like anyone but you gives a flying fuck.

John said...

It is strange travelling through the 'ghetto' of Florida and seeing proper, shanty shack housing with these massive, shiny cars complete with chromed-up wheels parked outside them. Americans are odd fellows.

John said...

...although, I suppose those could've been meth houses. :\

Kerja_Relon said...

They probably were meth houses. :-/
Why were you in the ghettos of Florida anyway? You should have stayed in the relative safety of Disney and other such "themed" parks.