Tuesday 7 July 2009

Jenny's Stratagem

So you see, by this marketing strategy I've devised right here...

*ZZ Top.*


Nothing. As I was saying, this strategy will...


Excuse me?


Did you say something?

Who me? No.

Oh, okay. Well, I've devised this marketing...



What? What?

You whispered something.

No I didn't.

Well someone did.

Not me. I'm really interested in what you're saying. Please continue.

Of course. Well, if we bring our departments together to...


I heard that!

Excuse me?

Nothing. Anyway, as I was saying...




You are whispering things on purpose to put me off.

What are you talking about?

You've been whispering the names of famous rock bands.

Okay, you got me.

But why?

Because Jenny, I wanna rock with you.

*Bon Jovi*

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