Friday 3 July 2009


Holy shit! I leave this class for two minutes and come back to find you fucking kids are knuckling down into your algebra?! I'm glad I can trust in Eric to keep his shit together whenever I've got my back turned, or whenever I have to leave the classroom. How the hell are you kids going to maintain a sufficient sense of individuality and self esteem if you have your head buried inside a textbook all day? Your collective spirits being slowly shattered in preparation for an existence of serving your corporate masters. You know what? I've had about enough of this bullshit. Everybody except for Eric is getting a detention.


Kerja_Relon said...

Eric is going to be a goddamn fighter pilot man! I'm telling you.

John said... one day, he goin' bomb some Musslums.

Kerja_Relon said...

He better. :)