Thursday 30 July 2009

They Call Him Finlay.

Chabba, chabba, wossname crocks. This air outside is making me dizzy with excitement. I'd rather the safer, smoke filled air inside my office. I don't like children. That's no secret. Saw one the other day. Can't stand them at all. Living in this year is making me itch a little. In fact, sitting on my portly arse all day, counting money makes it itch a bit. Itchy arsehole. THEN ITCH THAT BITCH... Is what I'd shout if I was a madman who had just been released from one of those lunatic asylums. But instead I'd say watch out for Jack The Ripper being that it's 1888. Especially if you're a whore. But especially if I've been one of the police's main suspects. See you later on. I've just got to go make a killing... In the monetary sense of course. Yes, a real good murder...


John said...

Yeah, you've got worms.

John said...

Book idea;

Hand pick (or vote?) for 200 of the best posts we've ever done on this site. Categorize them into topics; Love, Food, etc. or by character; William James Mercer, Wilburt Huntry etc.

Bung it together into a book. Get a dozen or so printed. Sell them on here.

"Merry Christmas, Mother!"
"Oh thank you, this book is just what I wanted..."


John said...

Might I add - he is one fabulous cunt of a man.

Where did you find this image?

Kerja_Relon said...

You know, I can't remember where I found it. I must have put into the image search something random though.

Kerja_Relon said...

Yeah, I was showing Warren some of my best posts from this site when he was visiting this past week. I'll go take a look at the ones we should use. I'll pick posts from you too, cuz I'm nice like that. :)

John said...

Wicked. I've been thinking about it the last few days. Should be a pretty funny book when it's done.

I was thinking of printing a bunch out and hand-binding them. About 20 or so, then seeing how well they sell etc.

John said...

...probably can't put the Hedrick posts in there, or any of the Ashanti Comics for that matter.

I'd imagine you'd need consent from either party in order to profit from their image.