Wednesday 24 June 2009

Birthday Boy

(Available in HD where available)


Kerja_Relon said...

I like your jacket. :)

The use of the word cunt at the end was genius.

John said...

Why thank you. The jacket is a Vintage by the renowned designer - 'Bottom O'Cupboard'

The 'cunt' at the end was supplied by Andrew 'Stanmarsh' Henderson. He is awesome.

Kerja_Relon said...

Isn't Henderson on your facebook? I remember seeing some comments by him.

How can I get a jacket like yours bro?

John said...

Yeah - that's him.

It's a zippy top thing. Blue/Black with white stripes. I don't know, I think it's FCUK. I went through a period of buying shitty designer clothes. It worked out well, because virtually all of them are lining the drawers and cupboards I keep clothes in nowadays.