Friday 19 June 2009

Tru Playa

Please view the video on it's YouTube page for best image and aspect quality.

(Not available in HD, you bastards)


John said...

Quickie Friday videos are what makes life worth living.

John said...

If you're wondering what's going on with the 'Hedrick' movie that I'm working on. I have a script that I'm 98% happy with (if I were to put a percentage on it...). This thing - the whole world in which the story takes place - is enormous. I have spent time this week figuring out how to do the (main) 'reveal' sequence (if you're 'in' on the structure of the story, the 'reveal' sequence is a nightmarish confrontation for the central character - it pretty much sets the second and final acts - but it is one hell of a series of visuals to physically film!). I have to get that right - as least to give myself the confidence to actually push this thing forward. I think I've sussed it, though. There are also things in the script which still need amending. But yeah - it's just about there.

Doing these (dumb) little videos keeps my mind on making movies while I'm ironing-out details to much larger video projects.

Kerja_Relon said...

I am in agreeance.
The Friday vids do make life that little bit sweeter. Like a drizzle of honey on your cereal.

Sounds like this Hedrick project is going to be immense. I look forward to seeing the script when you're ready. I'm about 70% done on Spender/Saver Ep 1.