Monday 8 June 2009

The Wilbrhams On: UFOs

So I'm on a quiet country road one night.

Very dark night I believe it was.

Yes, frightfully dark.

Raining too.

Yes, there was a downpour.

Very cold-

Yes, enough about the bloody weather. It's the incident that's important.

Oh, the incident. What a frightening experience.

Yes. Quite so dear. It rattled Hoslin to say the least.

I was shaking.

I was shaking too. But with fury!!! Yes, so anyway, we were driving back from Carmichael's 40th party and as I came round a turn in the road we were hit.

By a light!

Yes, it, well, it flooded our vision!

Then the light dimmed.

Yes, it dimmed and there in the sky was a giant saucer. Like the type you see in those 50s B-movies.

Then there was a beam of light. It was bright blue!!!

Yes, very blue-ish green I'd say. It appeared to convey some creatures, for lack of a better word. Then the light disappeared and there stood, in the middle of the road...

Little green men!!!

Yes, they appeared to be Aliens from another planet. Either that, or they were French.

No dear, they weren't wearing berets.

Oh yes, that's right. They were in shiny silver suits. No berets to be seen.

I gave out a cry.

Yes, she did do a little scream for herself.

A little one.

Like Tinkerbell small wouldn't you say?

Oh yes, very small. More of a gasp really.

Then these... Things approached the car.

Reginald wasn't having any of that.

No I certainly wasn't! I put my foot down and ran the little buggers over in my car.

Reg likes to do that to bunnies and birds that wander into the road. Don't you sweetheart?

Well! They have no place on the roads. Roads are for cars. Not bloody animals and aliens and all the rest of those rotters.

Reg once hit a black man who was walking on the roadside. Didn't you swee-

We don't mention the coloured man Hoslin. You know that.

Thankfully, the black man wasn't too injured. Just a few broken ribs.


1 comment:

John said...

You can't kill a black man.