Friday 23 January 2009

The Cock Returns

Well hello, hello. Bet you didn't think you'd be seeing my big sexy cock again did ya? Life's full of surprises and so is my crotch. There are wonders going on in my underpants as we speak. They were considering me for Dr. Who you know. How about that. Turns out they wanted a younger and less experienced actor to play The Doctor. They hired some fuck, I forget his name. I could care less to be honest. I would have probably had to turn the role down because let's face it, my cock is way too big for Dr. Who. My cock is so big it deserves a TV show of it's own. Dr. Cock. I like that. Has a certain ring to it, so it does. Besides, me and my big cock are going to be way too busy signing autographs. Funnily enough, my cock gets most of the fan mail and requests for autograph. I just dip my cock and balls in some ink and slap the fucker onto a nice glossy of myself. Works like a charm. Failing that, I just bottle some willy juice and send it onto my fans. I'm good like that. Cum inside my tardis. Ooo, right sexy that is.

1 comment:

John said...

Sean Penn used to do something like that - During his 'awkward rebel' (aka grumpy tosspot) stage he would rub a freshly-signed photo against his arse, before handing it over to the recipient. Lucky gits.