Friday 23 January 2009

Sand Gods Part II


Ah yes, King Kolo, we have returned from the second journey you sent us on.

And what did you discover about the New World?

Well, yes, that's the trick isn't it. You see, we kind of got very lost this time. What with the chasm of the Sand Gods presenting quite a danger , the treacherous valley of biscuits and the golden arch.

Tell me more of this golden arch.

Yes, it was more or less a place of business with people enjoying cow rounds and a clown.

And the valley of biscuits?

Yes, we lost Brother Hyem there.

My word! How did that happen?

He died in a landslide of Rich Tea.

Oh shame that. But enough of all this silliness of valleys and arches. Tell me about the real mysteries of the world out there.

Well it's pretty much just Sand Gods out there other than that. Yep, Sand Gods.


John said...

I love you, man. :D

Kerja_Relon said...

Ah, I love you too man.

Lot of love in this here room. :-)