Saturday 31 January 2009

The Un-Understanding Man

I jus' don't know what happened. One minute I was in the store. Next minute I was being taken downtown by the police.

Yes, because you were caught shoplifting Three bottles of Jack Daniels.

Sour mash.

Shut up Calvin and listen to what I'm saying.

But that's just it baby, I just don't git what'cha saying?

For God's sake Calvin!!! You were arrested for shoplifting!!!

I know. But what's your point sweetheart?

My point IS, it's a fucking crime. You shoplift from Walmart and you get arrested. That's how the law works.

But I had gots my thirst on and needed some sweet liquor to quench it. I just took some bottles is all.

And you didn't pay!!! You stole them!!! You had Two Hundred bucks in your wallet Calvin!!!

Yar yar Ma'Shack. So why'd I get my ass dragged downtown to the station?

Forget it Calvin. Just go watch the game on TV.

1 comment:

John said...

Thirst on, thirst off.

Miyagi's dead, man. :(