Wednesday 14 January 2009


Jesus Christ, this wallpaper is absolutely fucking diabolical! You don't get a good idea of how it'll look until it's up there, y'know? Hey Grandpa, you want to save me the time and effort of hanging this shitty red wallpaper by smearing your crap all over it!? Like how you did last time, when the old wallpaper was up. If the wife sees this, she'll know I hate it and will be all like; "ooooh, this is lovely!", just to get back at me for having Grandpa live with us in the first place.

I can hear you mumbling about something from here in the kitchen, you know! How's it going in there?

Oh, fucking hell. Hey honey, it's coming along great in here. I'll be finished in the next hour or so! It's looking great!

1 comment:

Kerja_Relon said...

Goddamn! That is ugly wallpaper. Never really understood the point of wallpaper. I mean, if it's not a surface you can wipe clean, then I don't want it. I'd put poo all over that fucking rotten wallpaper too.