Thursday 5 March 2009

The Brotherhood Of Agitated Samaritans.

Holy shit! An angry mob! Wait a second, what the fuck is this all about!?

We're the 'Brotherhood of Agitated Samaritans'.

What the hell is that? Why are you throwing bread at me with such frenzy?

This is what we do. We gather together, get all pissed off, stalk the streets looking for those in need and, y'know, we furiously throw bread to them. It's fucking charity, man! You should be more grateful. If motherfuckers did this shit to me, I'd be like; "Man, you motherfuckers are alright! This is some good bread. Why don't you sit with a motherfucker and we'll share this shit out, and maybe we'll all get together later and hook up with some bitches...". But no, you had to be a whining pussy.

1 comment:

Kerja_Relon said...

Yeah, that dude is so totally like some (not all) of them Big Issue sellers who just don't give a fuck and can't even be bothered to shout "Big Issue".