Wednesday 25 March 2009

Quentin Tarantino

Oh my word. Really?

Yep. Blood all over the place. I was covered in it. Silly woman behind the counter just wouldn't hand over the diamonds so I put a bullet in her. Boo-ka!!!

Dear God! Then what happened?

Well, the filth burst into the jewellery store and tried to take me down. But I wasn't going down without a fight. I took out three of them pigs in the shootout and made it out the bank with the loot. It was like Reservoir Dogs it was.

You said you were in a jewellery store.

Did I?


Did I also mention I have Alzheimer's?


John said...

She looks like Tarantino.

I'd do her mouth.

Kerja_Relon said...

Holy geist! She does look a bit like Tarantino doesn't she. That was wholly unintentional I assure you.

Kerja_Relon said...

I will also be seeing Inglorious Basterds. I would very much like to see WWII through the eyes of Tarantino. Anything has got to be better than that Deathproof shit he gave us last time around.

John said...

Its the eyes/nose.

I will be seeing Inglorious Basterds on release. Trailer looks a bit shit, frankly. But yeah, can't be any worse than Death Proof.