Monday 30 March 2009

Joe Ratzinger: God Cop Ep.2

I walk these streets, the streets of Vatican City. These streets are my streets and I know them like the back of my prayer book. I look upon all this Godless trash who have no idea what he awaiting them when they depart this earth. Well son, I'll tell you what's waiting for you. An eternity in Hell!!! As I cruise by in my God squad car, I see the unwed mothers hanging out at the coffee bars laughing at their friends dirty joke about a penis or something equally as vulgar. They laugh, yeah, they'll laugh when they're being fucked senseless by demons in the very pits of damnation. That'll be quite the laugh won't it ladies? And the bozo on the corner with his Armani suit and mobile phone. He cares to call all his buddies and his casual women, but does he care to contact his Heavenly father? I don't think so. He's too busy for that. Too busy for God huh? You can never been too busy for God!!! When you're on your death bed, dying from a tumour that you're mobile phone has caused and you call out the Lord's name. Will he be too busy to listen to your plea? Wise up people. Don't fuck with God or I'll slap you upside the head... Biblically o'course.

1 comment:

John said...

I enjoyed seeing him in action this weekend.