Wednesday 25 February 2009

Captain Daniel.

Land ahoy! I've spotted land, roughly 30 kilometres west. Boys, make the necessary preparations in which to invade!


Captain Daniel.

Captain Daniel, that's France. You can't have France.

Nonsense. I shall take this land for our monarchy by any means. No nation has ever withstood the might of her majesty's Navy.

Yeah, but. That's France. They're a sovereign nation. You really can't have France. Plus, y'know, we're not really in 'her majesty's Navy...'. We're in my motorboat. And we're supposed to be fishing.

Why 'ye mutinous pup! By the power vested in me, I shall have to overcome you and toss you into the holding cell. Upon our return to the British Isles, you will be met with a court mandate to stand trial at the mercy of our beloved ruler!

Dan ... Captain Daniel ... your fishing rod is twitching. I think you've caught something.

Oh, very good! Tonight we shall dine on their fish. Tomorrow, we shall dine on their blood...


Kerja_Relon said...

I don't think David was ever in the merchant navy.

John said...

Did David ever try to capture France?

His charm and extensive knowledge of HTML would've annihilated the bewildered French.