Friday 20 February 2009

Songs Of Praise

God, I want you to listen. Listen to every word I say. Every word I say. LISTEN!!! I know that life is suppose to be a gift but you can take it back. I don't like it. My lady, she always nags me. I have to pay way too much for heating and electric bills. Oh, and the taxes, don't even get me started on taxes. Plus I despise my job and quite frankly I wish my boss was dead. I just don't want to live anymore God. I've had enough. I just want to die and go to heaven with your good self. Oh, and I hate cleaning the car.

1 comment:

John said...

We used to send boys like him off to war back in the day. That used to toughen 'em up. Nowadays things have changed. With all the Pac-Man and Snack-A-Jacks.