Wednesday 13 May 2009



John said...

This three-minute film is a simple idea, very well executed. Certainly a great example of how to go about thinking for our Virgin short.

Incidentally, I'm set to make the 'Hedrick movie' my next video. I have a very clear and specific idea in my mind for the film, and as such I'm going to take a back seat and do it properly. I'm going to begin asking around for people to act in it, and generally cast it. I'm also going to roll-up my sleeves and get into constructing a new dolly and track, and a dolly crane - proper DIY style! I'm eager to have yourself (Jay) as my right-hand man, if you're up for it? It may take a few weekends to shoot, and it may be a lot of hard work ... but it should be fun. Whatcha say?

Kerja_Relon said...

I say let's fucking do it!
Any help from me, you got it. I would love to be a part of this.

Kerja_Relon said...

That Mama video was quite scary by the way. Made me jump. lol