Friday 29 May 2009

This Ain't A Scene.

I don't know chief, I don't see how I could possibly despatch any targets with this plastic gun. I doesn't actually fire anything.

Ah, but you see - that's the genius of it! Go ahead and squeeze that trigger ... You hear that automatic 'rat-at-tat!' sound? Yeah, well that's gonna put the fear of God into any target. Your enemies won't die of a bullet wound, but I guarantee that they will shit their pants. Two-thirds of all combat is psychological, man. Maybe.


Kerja_Relon said...

I like their blue guns. They are big and impressive. Plus the rat-a-tat-tat sounds may cause some enemy soldiers to have heart attacks because they may already have heart defects that haven't been detacted by modern science.

John said...

Sore subject. :\