Thursday 14 May 2009

My Favorite Ever Movie Trailers.

Where The Wild Things Are. The only film I'm interested in seeing this year.

The Holy Mountain. I have seen this movie a thousand times, and I still have no idea what the hell it's all supposed to mean.

Starcrash. Fuck Star Wars.

Posession. Yes, that is Sam Neill.


Kerja_Relon said...

You know, "Where the wild things are" is one of the films I'm least looking forward to. I saw the trailer for it the other night when we went to see Coraline (which is brilliant by the way). I'm just not feeling this woolly monster rubbish.

Kerja_Relon said...

These other trailers are crap too. Not that I've seen the films to go with them, nor do I want to see them. Your movie taste is too "underground". You need more Transformers.

Oh yeah, don't ever say that about Star Wars again. That movie has been like a Father to me and continues to be.

John said...


Transformers can fuck right off.