Monday 8 December 2008

Brandon Flowers: Opinions/Principles Part 2

Shit on a fucking stick! My Jove! I've done it. I've had a thought. If I'm here, then does anywhere else really exist? Hmm? Really? Did Katy Perry really kiss a girl and like it? Does her boyfriend mind it? It probably turns him on quite frankly. So is this bitch a lesbian or just an attention seeking whore like myself? Wait a freaky deaky minuet! Her boyfriend is that fella from... From... That group. Oh you know the one. Funny face, like a donkey's backside. But I thought he was dead.

1 comment:

John said...

Antony Costa from Blue?

Bobby Sands of Northern Ireland?

Larry Hagman from Dallas?

Katy Perry is with one of those. Can never remember which.