Wednesday 17 December 2008


Ok, Tim. You're all locked and loaded. You had better get a move on if you're to deliver this cargo of children's clothes and toys to the orphanage in time for Christmas.


Ha-Ha-Ha! No, I'm just fucking with you! They're paying us by the hour - take as long as you want! But for God's sake, pay for your hookers this time. Don't be thinking you can save yourself a few pennies by sticking your junk into the gas pump nozzle again. I don't think I can bear another Christmas of having to explain your petrol-burned cock to the doctors and nurses, let alone having to change the dressing every few hours.


Kerja_Relon said...

I heard a story once of a dude who was so in love with his automobile that his wife caught him with his dinkle up it's tailpipe. That gives a whole new meaning to that Queen song "I'm inb love with my car". But that song was shit and Rogar Taylor wrote it and he is even shitter than that fucking song. But not as shit as this new singer they got to replace Freddie. Fucking Paul Rodgers.

Kerja_Relon said...

Fucking type-os.

John said...

Naomi saw Queen with Paul Rodgers, and she says he's fantastic.