Monday 22 December 2008


Hey there, Wendy. I need you to put together another questionnaire. I also need you to open, sort, print and collate last week's questionnaire - the one you spent all weekend putting into envelopes, putting stamps on and posting. The same one you individually emailed to all of our clients. And when you're done, you'll need to count all the little ticked boxes, do some basic stats and produce a report for the board members.

And after that, you should have a spare five minutes to remember just how unimportant doing all that is.

1 comment:

Kerja_Relon said...

Questionaires really are the most waste of time in the world aren't they?

"Hello, can I just take a moment of your time to fill our this questionaire?"

"NO! You are wasting precious moments of my life I can never get back!"